How to download:

On your iPhone, tap on the AppStore icon. In AppStore, select search and enter "Essential Elements". You will see a screenshot of the app. Klick on "Free" which changes to "Download". Klick there again. The app will download. Open it from the same button.

On your iPhone, search for this icon:

ee2go icon on iOS7

Tap the icon to open the app, which opens with an empty remedy list. To download content, please register first.
Tap "About" in the lower right, then the "Update" button in the upper right.
In the registration screen, please enter a user name and your email address, then tap "Register".

You will be send an email immediately.
Open the email you got from ee updates and click the link, then close the email app.
Open the ee2go app again and go back from the registration screen, then again press the button "Update".
Now you will see the "Packages" page with a listing of all available packages.

Packages listing

Select a package and download to try. You have 30 days to try at no cost, after that you would have to buy the package.
When you return from the packages page, select remedies or families on the bottom of the screen, then browse through the downloaded material. Or download more packages to try.

To buy a package, go to the package detail screen again and press the button with the price tag. You will have to enter your AppleId to confirm the purchase. The amount will be paid through iTunes as you would pay for downloading music.

If you are a webinar member, your are entitled to download the webinar recordings for he years of membership. You will have from each remedy access to the exact point in time where it has been presented. Use the "Download audio" button on the package detail pages. If this button is grey, contact me to find out about your membership status for this year of the webinar.